Vanuatu Earthquake Relief

A devastating 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Vanuatu on December 17.

Our community aid focus will be water for anyone without water, food and water for the most vulnerable and needy (elderly, disabled, breastfeeding mothers, and people who have lost their incomes as a result of the earthquake), and assistance for people whose simple houses were damaged or destroyed.

Our mission school also requires significant funding in order to be refitted for the new school year in 2025. Key school equipment was badly damaged or destroyed. Our school staff families living onsite and mission house all lost basic kitchen supplies and other household essentials and treasures. We would like to replace the destroyed essentials, and offer the same kind of help to our other school staff, and school and wider community.

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  • You don't have (or want) a PayPal account
  • You want 100% of your donation to go to Liberty (for PayPal donations, PayPal retains ~3% of each donation as merchant fee)


Donation Total: $100 One Time