(This post appeared first on Matt’s personal Blog, “The Upward Drop“) Today during prayer I was thinking about how Jesus would respond with deep compassion whenever faced with the crisis of another. In the Gospels, he seems to have limitless energy for the needs of others, never too weary to pour himself out. We might …
His Kingdom Came
His Kingdom Came The unwrapping of the glorious mystery of God’s kingdom began for humanity at the birth of Jesus. His kingdom came near to us that night. Peace and joy on the earth, the angels declared! No Physical Form or Substance God’s eternal kingdom has no physical form or substance, and yet it can …
NEW WINESKINS… for the new wine!
Matt 9:14-16, Mk 2:18-22, Lk 5:33-39. These past few weeks we’ve known God is speaking to us about becoming “new wineskins” so that we’re ready and available for his NEW. We don’t want the purposeful work he is doing in the earth during this time to just pass us by! We know we can’t …
More Than Money
When we give financial support to someone who is needy, it isn’t only about the money. For certain, the money is incredibly valuable because it’s what achieves what the person needs! But, our act of giving is not ONLY about the money. It’s also about what happens in me and you, and about our walk …
The Disciple’s Dilemma
[This post appeared first on Matt’s blog, The Upward Drop] I have a great relationship with scripture. I read it more than ever, and try more earnestly than ever to be shaped by its pages (though ‘try’ is the only honest word). But as a person who loves study and learning, it has also been a …
God’s Great Love – Part 2
HIS LOVE’S PURPOSES (benefits of His love) God’s love at work in us invites us to faith in Jesus and living with the PROMISE OF INHERITANCE in our hearts! His love invites us to a place of inner freedom and light as we live our daily lives, no matter the external circumstances. We are no …
God’s Great Love – Part 1
GOD’S LOVE IN THE FELLOWSHIP OF BELIEVERS The beloved scene of Jesus with some of His closest disciples sharing their final meal before His departure is found in John chapters 13-17. Simon Peter and the other Simon, Andrew, the two James’s, John, Philip, Matthew, Bartholomew, Thomas, Judas and the other Judas were there. As they …
The Path of Freedom
Throughout the book of Galatians, Paul is telling Jesus’ followers about the new way: a path of freedom. To the Jews, he is explaining that their former, customary “guide for living” had proven to be miserably inadequate, both personally and socially. Now, a new and DIFFERENT way was possible for them and for the whole …