Hi Dear Friends.
Happy New Year to you all. I hope you have enjoyed the “snapshot” reports of what we have been doing through this past month.
We have been able to finalise the purchase of the new property in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro. LIBERTY CHRISTIAN CENTRE is now meeting on the site, with already overflowing numbers of people. The old Baptist Church building on the property can only accommodate 150 people, so large verandahs and openings into the main hall are being built. The land, 1800 square metres in the town’s centre, is a miracle! There is room for a lot of growth and facilities to meet the needs of the community. Pastor Mila is an exceptional leader. We are thrilled with the spiritual life and outstanding testimony of the Church in Victoria. Helen and Matt and I will be there in early Feb. for a dedication of the property, a large Leadership Conference and outreach ministry in the district. Can’t wait!
Philippines trip. I will leave for the Philippines on 1st Feb. I will go first to Tacloban to minister at Centre for Change, then on to San Antonio. We built many homes in these areas in 2014-2015, after the massive typhoon. I really love ministering in these communities and visiting the people who have received their new homes. I am praying for many to find Christ as saviour. Then I will visit Gandara, in Samar, where I will preach for Pastor Ismael and Josephine Ramos and have the opportunity to visit the Miracle Haven Learning Centre and Children’s Home. From there, I’ll fly back to Manila to meet Helen and Matt. We will travel together to Mindoro, where we will minister with Pastor Mila at the new Liberty Christian Centre and conference etc.
Wow! The (first ever) Carols by Candlelight became the largest gathering in the history of Vanuatu. What a glorious night! We had prayerfully believed for 10,000 people to come, so we prepared Candles for 7,000 people and beautiful gift books for 5,000 children… But it went huge! An estimated 18,000 people. God had His hand on the entire event. We experienced the Christmas message of joy, peace and goodwill like never before! Jesus was glorified and the families of Port Vila had the greatest Christmas of their lives. We are deeply thankful to our dear friends Peter Shurley from Tasmania and Karen Durand from Newcastle for coming over and sharing their magnificent performances. Vanessa Quai was amazing! Our local LIFECHANGER choir and the lead singers and musicians were amazing! It was a delight to hear our daughter Cathy performing so beautifully! The volunteers from our own team and the International Church in Port Vila were outstanding. We all had worked hard, but were filled with awe at what God was doing. How we love these events in Vanuatu.
Port Vila Community Christian School
The hard work continues at our Vila school preparing for a big year ahead. With the help of a quality team, we were able to complete new desks and seating for 120+ students, a new nutrition centre for the daily lunches we provide for the entire student body, the new Early Learning building was completed and fitted with all new furnishings and toilet block, new media room for our new programs of expanded learning, plus install media screens into classrooms, new desks and other furnishings for the computer room and other classrooms, and substantial improvements to staff accommodation. While all the building work was going on, Helen worked hard on curriculum improvements and office management related things. Jon and Abi arrive home tomorrow having overseen all of these projects and the management of the Carols event. We are all a bit exhausted. It has been hot and incredibly humid.
We have a great year ahead! I pray that your 2017 will be fruitful and filled with the Presence of God.
Please keep us in your hearts and prayers.
Much love,